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Building and Estate Services

Department of Engineering

Opening Hours 

For the Trumpington Street site, normal working hours are considered as follows:

  • Offices, Library, Seminar and Lecture Rooms (including DPO and Dyson Centre) - 07:00 to 23:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 20:00 on weekends including Public Holidays (other than Christmas Day or unless otherwise stated)
  • Laboratories, Workshops and Plant Rooms - 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday

The core opening hours of the Department are 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. Outside these core hours the health and safety networks in the Department’s buildings (e.g. fire officers and first aiders) are not operational and therefore the risks associated with working within Department buildings are higher. The main risks associated with working out of hours are fire, accidental injury, medical emergency, student behaviour and threats from intruders.

Work within laboratories, workshops and plant rooms should be restricted to the core hours of 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday unless additional control measures have been put in place. For more guidance please see the Out of Hours Access page on Department's Health and Safety website.  

Extended Hours and Sign-in Arrangements

In order to be given access outside of normal working hours, a Request for Out-of-Hours Access must be submitted to the Security Office (

If you choose to remain on site after 19:30 and are not working in one of the communal areas at Trumpington Street (Library, DPO, Dyson Centre) you will be asked to register your presence by signing in via the local App / sign in books.

If you are already inside the building but intend to stay late, signing-in is still required.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students can access the Department between 08:00 and 19:00 Monday to Sunday. Access outside these times is only permitted in exceptional circumstances, for a specific purpose and after careful risk assessment.

Dependent upon the numbers and the risk involved, undergraduate students may work in the Department out-of-hours if they are supervised by one or more responsible persons. Please see the Out of Hours Access page on the Department's Health and Safety website for more information.


Visitors to the Department of Engineering are warmly welcomed but because of safety and security considerations the following rules apply to access which is limited as follows to:

  1. Engineering staff who have and display a departmental swipe card.
  2. Engineering students who have and display a departmental swipe card.
  3. Academic visitors who have and display a departmental swipe card.
  4. University staff visiting on business are asked to go first to our Reception unless their visit has been pre-notified. When moving around the department visitors should display their university card.
  5. Students from other departments visiting as part of their study programme who will have and display a university card.
  6. Members of the public visiting during the working day should report to Reception on arrival and wear the "visitors" badge with which they are provided.
  7. Members of the public visiting out of hours to attend an arranged event who are the responsibility of the organiser (who must organise physical access to the building and explain to visitors where, in the building, they are free to go).

Category 7 visitors are at risk if there is a safety or security problem. It is important that the organiser of the event appreciates his/her responsibilities towards visitors in these respects. Visitors need to be told what to do in an emergency and to know where they may go within the department. Organisers who make reference to access on web pages should include a link to this notice.

Taking Equipment Off Site

Members of staff are reminded of the need to advise security (email that they propose to take an item of equipment (including furniture etc.) off site on a particular day. A CCTV system protects this site and if people are observed removing items without notification they are likely to be challenged. Any item now deemed to be of no value to the Department may only be removed with written approval and any academic member of staff issuing such approval should send a copy to the Research and Finance Office before the item is removed. Anyone wishing to seek clarification concerning the movement of items (perhaps on a regular basis) please email the Facilities Manager .